Levf Finance
2 min readJun 25, 2021


Levf Finance Tokenomics

Announcing The LEVF Tokenomics

LFI token distribution

‌Total LFI supply: 100,000 tokens, 10% pre-minted for IDO liquidity and initial expenses, 90% to be minted over 20 weeks (20 epochs of 7 days each) during the Governance Forming event, distributed as follows:

10,000 tokens will be pre-minted as project jump starter. It is minted expenses such as listing fees, audits, liquidity for partnerships etc.

75,000 tokens will be distributed to Liquidity Providers who joined during the Governance Forming event. Tokens are minted by LPs proportional to how many DAI per second (dsec) they provided to the system for the duration of the event. The mining phase for this portion will be over 20 epochs i.e. 3750 tokens distributed each epoch. (see next section LEVF — HOW TO MINE LFI)

‌15,000 tokens will be allocated to the team and operational treasury (including but not limited to liquidity creations in Uniswaps and DEXs etc). Tokens to be unlocked alongside liquidity mining across the 20 epochs.

‌‌LFI will IDO (Initial Dex Offering) on Uniswap at launch.

LFI token utility

‌LFI is the encoded token used to vote on the Levf Improvement Proposal System (L.I.P.S.), and to decide on how features are added to the Levf ecosystem (and other matters) when the project is handed over to Governance.

‌LFI token holders are also the owners of the Reserve Pool, where the 10% taxes on yield farmers’ net profit are accumulated.

‌Other utilities include:

‌1. Create governance proposals and decide on new initiatives.

2. Decide on changes in interest rates, lending period and lending features.

3. Vote on new aggregators and asset types to adapt to.

4. Own the smart contracts.

More about Levf Finance






Levf Finance

An Ethereum based protocol that bridges the risk limitations and the capital limitations of DeFi participants, creating additional opportunities for both.